Sweetest Love I Don’t Goe Summary Question Answer – important objective

Sweetest Love ,i Don’t Go Important Objective 


The Poem Sweetest Love , I Don’t Go ” has been Composed by John Done most famous poet of Early 17th Century This Century is know The Metaphysical Period. In This poem We Find The conversation Between the poem and his be loved wife  Anne. the love Each other much . the poet has to go Europe Because of same particular Work But his Wife does scolding and abusing her husband the poet so that he many change His plan of going to Europe . the poet makes his wife Understand that just as

The sun Loves his beloved the earth much and he cant live without his beloved and every  morning comes to his beloved 

Sweetest Love I do not Go objective 

The same way he the poet loves his wife

Anne much and his loves is as true as the sun ‘s love in spite of all she weeps much and does not allow her husband to go anywhere . once again 

the poet makes her understand taking the example of two sleeping partners so that she may allow him happily to go to Europe . He is a Metaphysical poet . This is very interesting poem 

sweetest love I don’t Go” has been written by John Done .he was born in England London  he is a Metaphysical poet he went to Europe in 1611. he loved Anne more .  

This is a love poem .

The poem sweetest love I Don’t Go has been Written by John done hi is a metaphysical 

he was born in England London

Sweetest Love I do not Goe Question Answer 

Q 1 . Why does the poet want to go away from his beloved ? 

Ans – The poet knows that all ( either living or no – living ) have to die at last so before his death , he wants to take the taste of separation . it is the reason that he wants to Away from his beloved .

Q 2 . What are the things that the sun does not have ?

Ans The sun does not have desire , sense , and short way ( path ) it move on a fixed path .

Q 3 . What make the speaker ‘ s Joureny  Speedler ? 

Ans –  The speaker will use more wings to make his Joureny speedier so that come to his beloved fast . 

Q  4 .What makes a man ‘s power feeble ? 

Ans –  Time makes a man ‘ power feeble because man cannot change his the according to his want . a man does as time wants so time is mighty . 

Q 5 . How do sighing and Weeoing affect the speaker ? 

Ans – sighing and weeping disturb the poet ‘s desire and because restless. 

Q 6 . How does the beloved waste the speakers life ? 

Ans – The speaker wants to complete his Want under valuable time of life but his beloved does not allow him to go away from her so he thinks that she is wasting his valuable life . 

Q 7 . In what way will the lovers Ronam Unhed ? 

Ans – feelings of each other ‘s Word Wath lovers remain united .


SWEETEST LOVE I DON’T GOE important objective

a. Sweetest Love i Don ‘t Goe  has been written by John Donne . 

b. He is a Metaphysical poet .

c. He went to Jermany /Europe in 1611. 

d. He loved Anne more. 

e. He was born in London ( England )

f. This is a love poem .

    SONG OF MY SELF   (Walt Whitman ) 

The poem ” Song of My self has been composed by Walt Whitman who is a famous poet of America .He generally writes poems on the democracy of America means he wants to make people aware so that the people of America may live peacefully and love one another therefore he is called people’s poet .in this poem he has described the problems of American so cities where people are quarrelling with one another taking the matter of Caste , Colour and religion .in American So cities , people are in two groups  ( the black and the white the ) . The white say about themselves that they are real Americans and they say about the black that they have come from other countries of the world therefore they are quarrelling with one another . By the help of the poem ‘song of My Self ‘,the poet wants to teach the lesson of humanity to the people of America along with the worldly people . He says that blood , desire and Aur An Cesrors are the same , we do not have difference so we should love and co-operate one another . We should not forget the lesson of morality and humanity .The poet does not like the present condition of America therefore he along with same people is trying to solve the problems of his country So that there may be peace and harmony in American So cities . this is a very interesting poem on humanity .

SONG OF MY SELF  Objective Points 

” Song of My Self ” has  been written by Walt Whitman . He is called a Peoples ‘ Poet . He is an American Poet . He was at 37 when he composed this poem . He wrote ”Leaves of Grass ” . This poem is on civil war of America between the white and the Nargoes.

Song Of My Self Question Answer 

Q 1 . What is meant by ‘ Nature without check with original energy ?

Ans – The poet wants to say that Nature does not check its energy but it wants to change so it goes on properly without any Graced . 

Q 2 . What does he observe in summer ?

Ans – He observes that just as in summer , grass because restless because of its need in the same way , he is restless because of this people ‘ rough thought .

Q 3. What has formed the speaker ‘s blood ?

Ans – The speaker ‘s blood has Formed from soil and air . 

Q 4. What does he hope to do ?

Ans –He hopes to do the goodness of Americans so that they many complete their life in the environment of brother hood. 

Q 5 . what does want to do with creeds ?

Ans – He wants to make the Americans with creeds that all are the same so they should live together peacefully . 

Q 6 . What does he want to speak about ?

Ans – He wants to speak about himself .

Q 7 How old is he ?

Ans – He is 37 years old .


a. ‘ Song of myself has been written by Walt Whitman . 

b. He as an American poet .

c. He was at 37 when he composed this poem .

d. He wrote ‘ leaves of grass ‘ 

e. This poem is on ‘ The civil war of America ‘ between the white and the negroes/black .

f. He is a people ‘s poet .

My name is Uttam Kumar, I come from Bihar (India), I have graduated from Magadh University, Bodh Gaya. Further studies are ongoing. I am the owner of Bsestudy.com Content creator with 5 years of experience in digital media. We started our career with digital media and on the basis of hard work, we have created a special identity for ourselves in this industry. (I have been active for 5 years, experience from electronic to digital media, keen eye on political news with eagerness to learn) BSE Study keeps you at the forefront, I try to provide good content and latest updates to my readers.You can contact me directly at ramkumar6204164@gmail.com

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