I Have a Dream : Martin Luther king jr Summary And Objective

I Have a Dream : Martin Luther king jr Summary And Objective Shot Question

 I HAVE A DREM ( Martin Luther King  Jk.1929-1968 ) 



The chapter I Have a dream has been written by junior martin luther king .. who is famous orator in American  ( washington D.C ) In the kincon memorial hall . The given chapter expresses that the people of American are in two group ( the white and the black ) . they are quarrelling with one other becouse of the matter of colour and citizenship . The white say that about themseleves  that are real American so all facities should be for then and black ( nargoes ) have come form orther countries of the world so thay should go back now but the black say that thay are also the citizen of American so thay will not go anywherThe black are struggling for thrir right and the lrader of them is Albama who dies untimely then the negroes select their leader  martin luther king jk . He says that they have will hav e to stuggal continnousaly notthemseleves but for thair ancestors leader ( Albama ) and coming genretion so that thair may be good environment of brotherhood .Her says that if they do not struggle propely .after 100 yers the number of nargoes will not be found of American some of them will be found in a cave or in a forest counting thair last journey of life . the nargoes want to get thair rihts to elect leader to settle anywere to start any business and to keep thair opinion in American as the white are doing there . the writer belleves in non – violence so he says to the nargoes to follow the princepal of non violence to get thair rights . He forbides them to apply physical power and to  dage the propetics then to apply then thet thair fast work should be compliting the drem of thair  ancestors and leader .

              I Have a drem Objective 

I Have a drem एक speech है जो martin luther king jk . के द्वारा लिखा गया है | जो american  की राजधानी Washington D.C के Lincon memorial HALL में दिया गया था  | इस CHAPTER में THE WHITE ( गोर लोग ) और the negroes  (काले लोग ) के बिच का citizenship  (नागरिकता ) के लिए हो रहा संघर्ष का वर्णन है | the negro  ( काले लोगो ) का ने Alamaba है जिनकी असमय मृत्यु हो जाता है  तब Martin luther king jk . को नेता चुना जाता है यह chepater civil Rights को दर्शाता है | इन्हे 1964 में शांति के लिए nobal prize दिया हाय | वह mhatma gandhi के nou -volence के सिद्धांत से प्रभावित थे |

I Have Drem has been written by martin luther king jk . who was a famous orator in AMERICAN . THIS Chapeter is a speech delivered by him in 1963 in the capatle of American ( washington D.C ) at licon memorial hall . this chapeter highights the struggle between the white  and the nargo for citizenship .who Albam who died untimely is the leader of negros . He won the nobal prize for peace in 1964 . He was highly impressed by mahatma gandhi ‘s non – voilence

I have a dream objective pdf 



Que . Do you think martin luther is a great order ? according to you are qualities of a great orader ?

Ans . Yese I think matin luther is agreat order . Martin luther impress very butyfully with this exciting word in the chapter I Have Dream .He is agreat master of epressing his wiord to the listeders beautyfully .

Que .  What does martin luther urge his peopale to do ?

Ans . martin luther uregas his peopale to strruggle for thair rights so that they may progress and civil peacfully .

Que . what does martin luther uregas his peopale to do ?

Ans . martin luther uregas his peopale to struggle for thair rights so nthat they may progress and live peacefully .

Que . What are the trials and tribution the outher talks about /

Ans . About trials and triulation the talks that if peopale raise  thair voice agaist the discrimination they start suffering from many probleam .

Que . If American is to become a great nation ,what must become true ?

Ans .  If American is to become a great nation  all American will have to work together giving up all past tension .They have to create the enviroment of brotherhood  aswellas thay will have to work hard for thair nation


i have a dream , martin luther king jr ,I Have a Dream : Martin Luther king Summary And Objective

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